IP Monitor is a handy application which displays the current IP network address of your Macintosh right onto your desktop.
With IP Monitor, you'll no longer have to open the MacTCP/OpenTransport control panel in order to view your Macintosh's IP address. Additionally, IP Monitor allows you to copy the current IP network address to the clipboard, where it can be pasted directly to most applications and documents.
IP Monitor is especially useful to people connected to the Internet via the PPP or SLIP protocols, whenever IP addressing is provided dynamically by the host' server.
IP Monitor requires System 7 as well as an IP network driver such as MacTCP or OpenTransport.
IP Monitor is scriptable. Please look in the Example Scripts folder, where you'll find AppleScript, QuicKeys 3 and UserLand Frontier script examples. These scripts demonstrate how to retrieve your Mac's current IP network address using IP Monitor's event suite.
Shareware Registration
IP Monitor is not free! It is a commercial software distributed as a part of the shareware system. Please, try it out for 10 days and if you don't like it, erase it — or better yet, give it to someone else who might be interested with it.
A $5 shareware registration fee will license one copy of IP Monitor for use on any one computer at any one time.
Mail your registration payment (check or money order) in U.S. funds to:
Raven Systems Ltd.
IP Monitor Registration
P.O. Box 560862
Orlando, Florida 32856-0862, USA
(Note: International payment must be in the form of an international postal order or international money order in U.S. Currency. Do not send a foreign personal check.)
Your contribution will ensure that IP Monitor is updated on a regular basis.
Site Licensing
Site licenses are available to permit the use of IP Monitor within companies or government agencies. A site license allows internal use and copying for a specified number of computers.
The fee for a site license is US$3 for each computer covered. The minimum license fee is US$30, which includes licensing for 10 computers.
To request a site license, send a letter specifying your organization’s name and address—as they should appear on the site license contract—and indicate the number of computers you wish to have covered by the license (please, include a SASE for faster response.) You will receive two copies of the site license, which must be signed and returned with payment of the site license fee. An authorized copy of the site license will be mailed back to you.
IP Monitor was designed and developed by Erik C. Thauvin using Symantec's THINK C development environment for the Macintosh.
Thanks to Jubal Kessler for proofreading this document. Also thanks to arn (Arnold Kim) and white (Ed Wynne), as well as the regulars on #macdev.
Disclaimer & Copyright
Raven Systems Ltd. makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to this software, its merchantability, performance, quality, or fitness for a particular purpose. As a result this software is distributed "as is", and the person using it is assuming the entire risk as to its quality and performance.
In no event Raven Systems Ltd. will be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the software or its documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Raven Systems Ltd. does not warrant that this software will function correctly in your multi-user environment.
Raven Systems and the Raven Systems logo are trademarks of Raven Systems Ltd. All other products and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Raven Systems specializes in the development of custom solutions for everyday problems. Since 1992, the company has helped many corporations and businesses maximize their productivity by creating well written, tested and supported custom-made software.
As Raven Systems moves forward into the '90s, it continues to design state of the art products by integrating cutting edge technologies into real-world solutions.
For more information contact:
Raven Systems Ltd.
Post Office Box 560862
Orlando, Florida 32856-0862
United States of America
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